Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Manfaat TOEFL bagi Jurusan Akuntansi

Toefl benefits for Accounting Majors

            TOEFL stands for Test Of English as a Foreign Language, which was introduced in 1960 by Educational Testing Services (ETS). There are two types of test to do, the first is Computer-Based Test (CBT) and the second is the Paper-Based Test (PBT). Some agencies TOEFL test organizer, sometimes coupled with Writing. The difference of these two types of test in a CBT test is done using the computer while the media are not PBT. Another difference is the scale value of the TOEFL test, CBT is the value on the scale 0-300, while the PBT is 310-677.
            TOEFL test value below 450 indicates that proficiency in English is still the standard (or even lower) so it is advisable to follow the English language. While the value of 450-499 indicates that English language skills above average but there are still some things that need to be established again (Reviewed) is in its structure, listening, or reading it depends where the lowest value.
            At first, the TOEFL is required for students in countries whose primary language is not English, but want to continue their studies states that the official language is English, like the United States, Canada, and Western European countries. It is necessary to ensure that students from the non-English speaking can follow lectures in English speaking countries with good. Among others, to: Ensure that the student teachers understand the description given in English (listening skills). Students understand the books required textbook (reading skills). Students are able to make scientific writing with correct grammar (writing & grammar skills).
            In the current era of globalization of English has become one of the skills considered essential to master students. Not only for the academic course but English is an international language that should have been mastered. In this case I will discuss about the benefits of toefl for accounting majors, this course will be very important if we gain knowledge of accounting can be developed not only for local but could be developed on an international potent

            Accounting majors learn the company's financial books, and everything that deals with the finances of a company. In the field of accounting system of computer-based accounting information processing are offered with the aim to provide facilities for the accountants to produce reliable information, relevant, timely, complete, understandable, and tested. TOEFL is required in many areas including accounting because if you use the computer as a facility to work on keeping the software that is used also to use English even though it depends on who created the software.
            Moreover if we want to apply for a job as a multinational company accounting in the accounting statements must be presented using the English language will of course be understood that both the internal and external. Most international business are also conducted in English. If you want managerial positions in multinational companies, most likely you will be required to speak English. A number of prestigious companies even now set minimum IELTS or TOEFL for potential job applicants.
            TOEFL is also useful in the international accounting because the scope of reporting is a multinational company with operations and cross border transactions. So also with international transactions discussed the financial report. Translation and foreign exchange transactions, information systems, budgeting, job evaluation system, international taxation and audit the use of English language course is required. Most companies' international business making sales to foreign customers. Often, the sales made ​​on credit, and agreed that foreign customers would pay in your own currency.
             Toefl is because there is the growing importance of global competition. International business related to foreign trade (exports and imports), trade is no longer a bilateral or regional nature but truly global. accounting related to export and import activities are accounting for transactions in foreign currencies. Currently, the increasingly international business related to foreign direct investment which include the establishment manufacturing or distribution systems abroad. Operations conducted in foreign countries make financial managers and accountants face the risk of all kinds of problems they face when the operation is not implemented within the company of the State.
            From the description above is known that the importance of using the TOEFL for accounting majors, but TOEFL is also useful for studying the books of accounts of multinational corporations. Besides TOEFL is used when we want to apply for jobs in multinational companies, TOEFL is also important cross-border transactions and global competition of foreign trade (exports and imports).